Who does not love a pearly smile?

Everyone wants to have a gleaming smile on their face. Sometimes, the structure of teeth doesn’t permit the same. But, with the appropriate treatment and supervised guidance, it is possible to restructure teeth for a better look. Here we are explaining the basics of pegged teeth along with listing the possible treatment to reshape peg shaped teeth.

What are Small Teeth Or Peg Shaped Teeth?

When a tooth has a cone shaped look, it is considered as a pegged tooth. Peg shaped teeth are a dental disorder called microdontia, a condition where one or more teeth appear smaller than average. In general, the most common teeth affected are the upper lateral incisors or sometimes third molars. Besides, peg laterals happen on both sides in most instances, and they have shorter roots than usual teeth.

What Are The Causes Of Small Teeth Or Peg Teeth?

Peg shaped teeth are caused by several medical conditions like:

Congenital syphilis – a bacterial infection where the peg shaped teeth will remain once it has already formed.

Hypomelanosis – where teeth will be smaller than usual and more widely spaced

Cleidocranial dysostosis – genetic ailment affecting the development of the bones in the collar and skull. This caused normal teeth to become crooked.

Ectodermal Dysplasia – hereditary conditions for the abnormal development of teeth

In addition, the most common causes of peg laterals are genetics and developmental peculiarity. Hereditary inheritance means people with peg laterals have parents with the same condition. Peg shaped teeth are sometimes seen where multiple generations exhibit a typical growth pattern.

Well, whatever causes the peg shaped teeth, you can have the best possible treatment to reshape teeth.

How To Fix Small Teeth?

Depending on the underlying cause and the oral examination, your dentist will suggest the best treatment for the peg shaped teeth. Today, medical science has become advanced enough to treat almost all major health issues. Significantly, various dental procedures can help in improving your smile. If you are concerned about peg shaped teeth, have a look at the peg lateral treatment:


Veneers are super-thin covering that is fixed to the forward surface of the teeth. The surgeon will shape the pegged teeth with the help of a dental drill. Then, a model will be made to give a better look to the peg shaped teeth. After completing the process, the veneer will cover your teeth and form the appearance of normally-sized teeth. But, veneers can chip and fall off too. When the underlying teeth form a decay or any other dental problem, you might face issues with the implanted veneers.


Sometimes resins are also known as dental bonding, which is often used to restore the chipped or fractured teeth. The dental surgeon will apply a tooth-colored composite material made from plastic resin and glass to the peg shaped teeth. Then she will make up their size until it equals the other teeth.

The composite starts as a liquid, which the dentist paints it on the broken teeth, and it will strengthen with a curing light. Different layers of this material are often implemented to provide a proper shape and translucency to the teeth. The overall process is relatively painless, and local anesthesia is not required typically. However, resins can also chip off over time. So, you need to follow the dentist’s instructions carefully to keep the bonded teeth healthy.


This treatment option for peg shaped teeth is supposed to be more complicated than other procedures like veneers and resins. A crown for peg shaped teeth will cover most part of the existing teeth. The teeth will get reshaped so that the cap will fit adequately (the local anesthesia may be required for providing comfort). The dentist will create a bite model after the teeth are prepared and offer you a temporary crown until the permanent is made. Dental crowns prove notably strong and lifelike. Also, they are resistant to stains and are expected to last for years.

Extractions and Implant placement

In cases of poor outcome of the tooth (like a carious or small tooth), it is recommended to remove the tooth and replace it with implant supported crown or bridge. This will drastically improve your appearance and give you a beautiful smile.

Indirect Composite Placement

Fabrication of tooth colored restoration in the lab is made in order to get a better appearance and adaptation in altering the tooth—the repair will be bonded to the peg shaped teeth by your dentist.


1. How much does it cost to fix peg teeth?

The average cost to fix peg teeth can vary from $300 to $600 per tooth. If there is a requirement for any additional procedure during the treatment, the cost may increase based on the procedures performed.

2. How common are peg laterals Or Small Teeth?

Peg laterals are not so common. Many dentists describe peg laterals as pointy teeth, cone-shaped teeth, and usually smaller teeth than the average teeth shape. Though this dental condition doesn’t disturb dental health in any way, it creates an aesthetic problem in the form of an unattractive smile.

3. Can Invisalign fix peg teeth?

Yes, Invisalign or braces may be the first step in orthodontic care to fix peg teeth. However, the right treatment depends on the situation. Your dental care professional will be able to suggest the best possible treatment after evaluating the teeth condition.

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